Progressive elements of the U.S. government have been trying to implement additional controls and regulations over CO2 emissions for years. Control CO2 and you have control over many aspects of the economy as well as private life.
One of the primary targets of increasing CO2 regulation is the coal industry. By further lowering the emission standards as proposed, the president and his progressive buddies can finally achieve their goal of bankrupting the coal industry. Don't believe me? Obama said so himself.
"if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted." - Barak Obama (more)
As with most plans of elitist know-it-alls, there are unintended consequences to their grand designs. Not only could the progressive policies directed at CO2 emissions bankrupt big coal, it could destroy the baking industry. That's BAKING...not banking.
"...natural ethanol emissions from yeast may cost bakers as much as $80,000 per ton removed, which contrasts sharply with less than $1,000 per ton to scrub sulfur from a coal-fired power plant and $80 per ton to dispose of municipal garbage." (more)
Apparently the pointed-headed intellectuals are unaware that yeast, an important ingredient in any raised baked good, releases CO2 gasses as it grows and expands. Yeast is what makes cinnamon rolls, bread and donuts light and airy. According to the EPA it is also a bigger risk to the environment than land fills and sulphur-filled smoke from burning coal.
While this would be hilarious as some evil, well-thought out plot by low-carb and paleo dieters to eliminate bread, their most vile and hated nemesis, it's just another example of busy-bodies gone bad. If the government does go ahead with including bread in their war on CO2, I hope you really like tortillas and Matzo crackers.